April 14th 2024: John Williams

April 14th 2024: John Williams

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It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:26

One of the amazing teachings of scripture is that sinners can be right with God. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the truth of justification, of it’s great assurance. To be “Just and the justifier,” may seem an impossibility. We will look at three points:

  1. How can you declare a sinner not guilty? Is it a contradiction, a divine dilemma? No.
  2. How has God demonstrated this great truth of grace, so justice is honoured and love and mercy is dispensed to those in need of it?
  3. Consider the divine declaration – is justification a gradual process or a once and for all event? This can be summed up as:
  1. Divine dilemma?
  2. Divine demonstration.
  3. Divine declaration.

1.Divine Dilemma

How can God to be just and the justifier? God’s justice is something that causes a thoughtful person to tremble. If God is just, it strikes terror into us. His scrupulousness, His thoroughness in not only weighing the acts, the words and the thoughts, produces a sense of anxiety in all of us. He can see to the very bone and marrow in our life. Some focus on the love of God and say God will never send anyone to damnation, that love is stronger than justice.  When God acts justly He is simply acting like Himself. But God is also love. Justice is getting what we deserve. Our case is hopeless. Until you understand you were lost, you cannot understand the gospel. God is never at cross purposes with Himself. None of His attributes conflict with each other.

2.Divine Demonstration

What attributes of God are displayed in the death of the Lord Jesus? You may think of the love of God and you would be right, But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). The love of God is demonstrated to us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. God does not love us because we have promised to love Him back. In Romans 3:25-26 we also read of another demonstration of God’s justice with regards to the sins of previous times, before the coming of Christ. The Old Testament dispensation and justice at the present time. The present time is a reference to Christ’s earthly life, to deal with the consequences of sin once and for all.

There is a double demonstration: the Old Testament dispensation – the sacrificial system of the Old Testament – and the life of Jesus Christ – His death when the curtain was torn from top to bottom, and entry is gained for all who believe upon the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Both the love of God and justice of God are fully demonstrated. As a believer you have to hold these two demonstrations in your hand, Romans 5:8 and Romans 3:25-26. Memorise these verses so that you have a clear understanding that justice and love are fully demonstrated at the cross.

Christ was dying in place of sinners. In doing so He diverts the wrath of God away from us. The cross is a place where justice and mercy can be equally displayed.

Paul was a legal man and imposed the idea of justification by faith, “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it.” (Romans 3:21). He said it is prophesized in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament sacrificial system was established to remind the people of the need of forgiveness and their accountability for sin. It was pointing them forward towards a sacrifice that would be made which would deal with it once and for all. That’s why it was on a daily basis, a weekly basis, a monthly basis, a yearly basis – all pointing towards the sacrifice that would eventually deal with it all, one sacrifice for all (Moses, Leviticus, Isaiah 53:11).

3.Divine Declaration

‘Justify’ is a word from the legal system (Deuteronomy 25:1). The work of santification takes place throughout our life. When a judge condemns someone, he is not making them guilty. The condemnation is based on the evidence. Picture yourself in court. Your life is being judged. The is an object of witness – the law of God. How do you stand up against this? Fail in one part, you fail in all. We become aware of how we have failed.

A subjective witness comes – your conscience. It speaks and confirms your guilt. The witness is against yourself. You speak against yourself. All your life you have defended yourself but at the final judgement you speak against yourself.

A third witness appears, a malicious witness. An accuser. The devil. He will say anything to incriminate us or implicate us.

Then, finally, one comes to give testimony to judge, one who is sinless. He states He has voluntarily stepped into your shoes and paid the penalty. You are declared not guilty. The guilty one goes free. You walk away a free person, yet sins and punishment were yours. What do you think of the one who did this for you? Do you love Him with all your heart? Are you thankful, do you serve Him because He gave His life for you? If that is you, praise the Lord! If it is not, believe in Him now.

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